Friday, February 22, 2013

When driving in the

 wee hours of the AM, while the snow is coming down at a pretty good clip, one must always keep their eyes in FRONT of the car.  NOT to the right, not to the left and certainly not to the back (I will explain the back, later)!

The always friendly and happy (cup 3/4's full kinda girl that I am) always loves to wave or say a very exuberant hello in these early morning hours.  Many of my co-swimmers and co-workers can attest to this. I actually receive quite a few eyeball roles in these early AM hours and a few grrrr's etc... so I take it upon my self to brighten their day :)

So, I made it to the pool this AM safely without incident, and remember, we have 4" of new snow and it is still falling. I  manage to get in a very short swim, due to my always willing to help others, and of course a little morning conversation between sets (swimming lingo for short breaks, 10 to 15 seconds long)  that I can manage to turn into medium, long or 10 minute breaks, depending on one's chattiness, mine for one, leading towards extensive as many can attest to!  I get back into my MV (minivan) and contemplate the long 3 mile drive home.  I have FAITH that I will make it home without incident!  Heck, it is only 3 miles, I'm feeling good, and I am driving very carefully.  I make it all the way into the upper driveway of home and I let out a huge sigh of relief!  Yes, yes, yes, no incidents for a whole 6 mile round trip excursion during a mini snow storm.  Then, as I am coming down the driveway very slowly, towards MY garage, it's Wayne, (one of MM's guys) doin' some plow'n. He is one of the nicest guys and I MUST say hello to him or my morning  just won't be complete.  I turn my my head to the right and start to roll down the passenger side window and then it happens, in front of God and Wayne, the " IOTD", The MV comes to a halt all on it own, well, with a little help from a mountain of snow.  Huh?  I have managed to veer to the left, just a couple of feet and the MV STOPS with a THUD!  THIS IS NOT RIGHT?    I turn my head back to the front, and then to the left and YUP, an "IOTD"  comes out of my mouth!  I try the old drive and reverse thing, not working, and then all of a sudden, Wayne is at the window.  Hmph!  He gives a big old smile and says, good morning, and gives a cute little chuckle.  He offers to push me back out of the snow bank with the skid steer bucket.  I think it is a fantastic idea!  Wayne does not.  I suppose, it will damage my front bumper (not to mention that both corners have had separate incidences) already.  He chuckles and radio's MM, telling him to bring a chain with his plow truck and that his wife needs her husbands assistance.  There is no confirmation from the other end of the radio telling Wayne he is on his way. I know for a fact that MM has just rolled HIS eyeballs and is thinking, NOW WDYDTTS? (short for...WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME SHERRY?  I open my door, or try to, but it only opens 2 inches, Huh. Okay then, I just leave the keys in it and crawl out the passenger side and start walking towards the house to have some breakfast.  THEN!  I hear the diesel engine of MM's truck. I turn around and give him my best smile :)  He graciously keeps his mouth closed and hooks up a chain to my car and pulls me out of the bank. All this took under 30 seconds.  Can you believe that?  MM is a god when it come to trucks and tractors etc...

So...I figure I have my "IOTD" taken care of nice and early right?  WRONG!!!  I need to pick up the rental Minivan so that I can drive the boys diving team to the section meet this afternoon.  I have some extra time, so I stop at home for an hour.  It's definitely a much  newer minivan than mine. It has tons of gadgets.  I was very impressed with the backing up camera!  I start backing up while watching the screen when again I come to a STOP!  This time, I cut the wheels too short and ended up in the yard where the snow is deep!  I find myself back to the rock and roll or drive and reverse thing and it is NOT WORKING!  THERE IS NO WAY I AM GOING TO CALL MM. I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!    Phew!  It only took me a couple of minutes but I managed.  Probably used 2 gallons of fuel but oh well, I am freed once again.  This time I DID IT MYSELF!  MM knows not a thing about my 2nd "IOTD"  :)  We will just keep THAT ONE to ourselves.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sharing a lane

while swimming at 6 am in the morning can be dangerous!  Not once, but 2 TIMES I was conked on the head by a fellow swimmer!  I bet you did not realize how dangerous the sport of swimming can actually be.
I am trying to drive my kickboard in a semi-straight line (quite difficult for someone like me who has more bad driving days than good ones, I compare bad driving days to bad hair days) with my head down in the H2O, when out of nowhere, WHACK, I have just been brained by a backstroker.  I adjust my goggles, waterproof ipod, earphones, snorkle and kickboard,  swim another 100 yards and BAM!  I am hit again and UGH, I now have to get everything adjusted all over again before I can actually continue...Only 10 more minutes and then I will have my own lane and will continue to try and drive my kickboard in am orderly fashion.  I WILL ONLY HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MYSELF!  So now, I will take my chances and swim on my back, paying VERY close attention to the ceiling tile lines, and drive safely.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

On my way...

to work this morning (of course I am running late as usual because I am setting up my blog today and can't seem to stop)  I only hit 1 curb this morning.  I actually hit it last Friday too, I just forgot about it today and I will forget it about it tomorrow.  Turns out that I was 15 minutes early, due to a late start day at school that happens on the 1st day of the school week.  We had Monday and Tuesday off due to Presidents Day and a IDK day so today was that day.  Duh!  And here I risked LIFE, LIMBS and TIRES for no good reason!

Life Happens

From time to time I find myself just shaking my head at the things that just happen to happen to me.  Some of them great and others I just chalk up to my 'Road Bumps In Life' catagory (which happens to HUGE).  Enjoy!